Research: UAS in an NAS World

Some Questions to consider when integrating UAV's into the NAS.

How can the separation of unmanned aircraft be monitored and maintained (among other unmanned aircraft and manned aircraft) in the National Airspace System (NAS)?
The monitoring and maintaining of UAV's in the NAS is a challenging objective. In order to operate the UAS safely and effectively the communication control and commands must work in unison to achieve the safe operation of a UAV. The tracking telemetry data which yields its position and overall functionality must be updated on an ongoing cycle in order to know the UAV's position at any given time.
The separation of unmanned and manned aircraft could be achieved by frequency allocation. Separating the signal spectrum between UAV's and manned aircraft is one way to keep data communication and controls separate. Determinants such as signal choice (digital or analog) could be delegated to each platform.
The use of GPS and antenna can also be used to effectively track both manned and unmanned aircraft. Installing a transponder in UAV's is another way to perform tracking measures. The MMI could also be used to monitor and maintain separation of both manned and unmanned platforms.
The UAV would be controlled using the MMI interface within a regulated distance from an airport or area in which an increased number of manned aircraft operate. The conventional mode and the GUI interface can also provide the same capability (allowing human control) of operator controlled flight would allow the human element to control the UAV while the ATC controls traffic outside the operators view perspective.

What considerations need to be made for varying sizes (i.e., Group 1 to 5) and airframes of UAS (e.g., fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and lighter than air)?
Considerations that need to be considered for varying group sizes would be based on the determinants which comprise each respective group which are “Max Gross Weight, Normal Operating Altitude, and Airspeed” (Austin, 2010). Depending on the platform used will yield the type of aircraft used and the mission objective.
The HTOL would be used for long endurance missions at higher altitudes but would require logistical support for launch and recovery. A UAV of this configuration may better be served by having its own runway as opposed to sharing a manned flight runway. The VTOL would deploy and land much faster, and only require a small strip in which to land.
However, once the landing procedure has been executed there still remains the issues of taxing off the runway which becomes an issue for a manned platform runway. A designated landing and take-off area would be the best option for this type of platform. A lighter than air configuration would also require its own runway due to its mass weight, operating altitude and airspeed.
An airport runway system would be much too quick paced for this type of configuration.  Considering the weight of the vehicle will aid in determining the safety perimeter which must be given to account for safe pre-planned maneuvering. The weight determinant would also give precedence to a UAV within the unmanned platform.
Another, factor to consider would be the size of runway (in a fixed horizontal variant) in order to allow enough runway space to execute a take-off. In a rotary variant a separate runway (away from horizontal fixed wing aircraft) would need to be delegated just for such vehicles. The Gross Weight would also aid in determining the rate and endurance of travel. The greater the weight of the vehicle, the less distance that it may travel in some cases, depending on fuel or battery power levels.
The normal operating altitude also plays a role for the various classes. The normal operating range of the UAV will determine what priority it receives and in what capacity or level of service it will cater too. For smaller Class 1 UAV's (less than 20lbs.) another separate runway may be required due to the smaller scale size of frame.
The dangers involved may include, Aircraft being sucked into engine compartments of much larger manned aircraft, or a collision with a manned aircraft thereby causing an accident.

What technology is currently employed by manned aircraft and is it adaptable for use with unmanned?
There are dual purpose technologies used in manned aircraft that can also be used in an unmanned platform. According to Madsen even avionics can be shared between both platforms "Many avionics devices and systems are designed for dual use - commercial and military applications - which not only enables shared capabilities and standards, but also helps to drive down development and qualification costs” (Howard, 2016).
According to Tom Hart of Honeywell Electronics, sense and avoid systems are also shared across military, commercial, and unmanned systems which further expands the range of use of this technology “The hardware is used for commercial and military applications, a reuse of core software adapted to support unique military functions. We are also using our family of TCAS processors as a core element in sense-and-avoid systems for larger UAS” (Howard, 2016).
Also, worth noting is an entire airframe developed for a manned application is now being used as an unmanned application designated as the MQ-8C Fire Scout, as noted by Howard:
The MQ-8C Fire Scout combines the better of two proven air systems, the reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition architecture of a UAS, and the   extended range, payload, and cargo hauling capabilities of the commercially mature Bell 407 helicopter" (Howard, 2016).
Another shared technology is that of an Air Flow Through Chassis in which a single board computer was installed. The application will serve both manned and unmanned rotary applications.
The development trend seems to lean toward engineering products which meet both the needs of manned and unmanned systems applications. The initiative to produce a much broader use for products will result in increased units provided and shared by both platforms thereby increasing sales and saving costs. 


Austin, R. (2010). Unmanned aircraft systems: UAVS design, development, and deployment.         Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley.

Howard, C. (2016, February 8). Common Technologies for Manned and Unmanned Aircraft.       Military & Aerospace Electronics, Retrieved from  focus/common-technologies-for-manned-and-unmanned-aircraft.html


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