Request For Proposal: UAV Theft Grabber

In this activity, you will develop a response to the following:
Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires have a devastating impact on communities where these events occur.  Lives are lost, citizens are injured, and infrastructure and property are destroyed. In the aftermath resources are limited, while the response and recovery is hampered by reduced communications and infrastructure damage.  Propose a series of derived/low-level requirements for the design of a UAS down to the element level (e.g., air vehicle element, command & control [C2], payload, data-link [communications], and support equipment) to support response and recovery efforts.

Option Requirements: Payload, Data Link, Cost.

Phase - 3
1. Payload
3.1 [Shall be capable of color daytime video operation up to 500 feet AGL]
3.1.1 Personnel Shall place test stand 500 feet from UAS/Block Camera.
3.1.2 Test objective Shall be placed on test stand.
3.1.3 UAS/Block Camera shall be placed on test bench
3.1.4 Operator Shall initiate video block from GCS.
3.1.5 UAV Video Block Shall display data onto GCS Terminal.
3.1.6 Operator Shall verify video data. 

3.2 [Shall be capable of infrared (IR) video operation up to 500 feet AGL]
3.2.1 Operator Shall confirm darkroom location for this operation.
3.2.2 Personnel Shall place test stand 500 feet from UAS/Block Camera.
3.2.3 Test objective Shall be placed on test stand.
3.2.4 UAS/Block Camera shall be placed on test bench
3.2.5 Operator Shall engage (IR) option on block from GCS.
3.2.6 UAV Camera Block Shall display (IR) ground data onto GCS Terminal.
3.2.7 Operator Shall verify (IR) video data.

3.3 [Shall be interoperable with C2 and data-link]
3.3.1 Operator Shall initiate Camera Power Command to Block Camera from GCS using DL com.
3.2 Block Camera LED Indicator Shall Illuminate.
3.3.3 Operator Shall Visually Verify LED Indicator Illumination.
3.3.4 Operator Shall send Rotation Command to Block Camera Gimbal from GCS using C2 communication.
3.3.5 Operator Shall Verify Sent Command is executed by Block Camera Gimbal.
3.3.6 Operator Shall send Record Command to Block Camera from GCS.
3.3.7 Operator Shall Verify Sent Command is executed by Block Camera.
3.3.8 Operator Shall initiate Camera Power “Off” Command to Block Camera from GCS.
3.3.9 Operator Shall Verify Sent Command is executed by Block Camera.
3.4 [Shall use power provided by air vehicle element]
3.4.1 Operator Shall Verify Battery Placement in specified payload location.
3.4.2 Operator Shall Verify Block Camera Input Jack is present.
3.4.2 Operator Shall Verify Block Camera Input Jack is connected to Block Camera Gimbal Port.
3.4.3 Operator Shall Verify Input Jack is inserted into Power Input Port Jack.
3.4.4 UAV Block Camera Gimbal LED Indicator Shall Illuminate.
3.4.5 Operator Shall Verify Block Camera Gimbal LED Indicator Illumination.

3.5. Data Link (communications)
3.5.1 [Shall be capable of communication range exceeding two miles visual line of sight (VLOS)]
3.5.1 Personnel Shall Measure 2 miles distance.
3.5.2 Personnel Shall Mark 2 mile distance.
3.5.3 Personnel Shall Place Test Rig at 2 mile distance mark.
3.5.4 Personnel Shall Place UAV on Test Rig.
3.5.5 GCS Shall Initiate Power Command.
3.5.6 Personnel Shall Visually Verify Command Execution.
3.5.7 Personnel Shall make necessary antenna adjustments.
3.5.8 GCS Shall Verify Transmission Reception.
3.5.9 GCS Shall Initiate Additional Commands.
3.5.10 Personnel Shall Visually Verify Command Execution.

3.6 [Shall provide redundant communication capability (backup) for C2]
3.6.1 Personnel Shall place UAV on Test Rig.
3.6.2 Signal Jammer Shall be powered on by personnel.
3.6.3 GCS Shall initiate Power “On” Command.
3.6.4 Signal Jammer Shall Interfere with UAV signal.
3.6.5 Signal Jammer Interference Shall result in Signal Loss.
3.6.6 Personnel Shall verify command execution failure.
3.6.7 GCS Shall verify Signal Loss Interference.
3.6.8 GCS Shall Initiate Modus Operandi Signal Backup Transmission.
3.6.9 GCS Shall Verify Backup Signal Transmission Establishment.
3.6.10 GCS Shall Initiate Power “On” Command using new Backup Communication Transmission.

3.7 [Shall use power provided by air vehicle element]
3.7.1 Operator Shall Verify Battery Placement in specified payload location.
3.7.2 Operator Shall Verify Battery Input Jack is present.
3.7.3 Operator Shall Verify Data-Link Module in specified payload location.
3.7.4 Operator Shall Verify Data-Link Module Input port jack on module housing.
3.7.5 Operator Shall Insert Battery Input Jack into Module Input Port.
3.7.6 Operator Shall Shall Locate LED Bulb on Module Housing.
3.7.7 Operator Shall Visually Verify LED is Illuminated.

3.8 Cost - Shall be less than $100,000 (equipment cost only)
3.8.1 [Total Cost of the Gimbal with Camera] Under $20K Meets the required budget, allowing $80K for other additions.

Phase - 5 Specimen Testing
5 Testing Requirements
5.3 Camera.
5.3.1 Camera Recording. Inspect Payload battery to ensure full charge level. Inspect Camera to ensure power is supplied from payload battery. Direct Camera at object to be recorded. Initiate Recording from GCS operator panel.
5.3.2 Verify Recording Procedure Verify Recording Action on GCS Terminal Screen. Initiate "Stop Recording" Procedure via GCS operator panel. Verify recording action has ceased. Initiate "playback" procedure via GCS operator panel. Confirm "video playback" recording on GCS operator monitor.
5.3.3 Verify IR Recording Procedure Verify IR Recording Procedure is conducted in dark room. Inspect Payload battery to ensure full charge level. Inspect Camera to ensure power is supplied from payload battery. Direct Camera at object to be recorded. Initiate IR Recording from GCS operator panel. Confirm IR Recording Procedure is taking place via GCS panel. Initiate Stop IR Recording Procedure via GCS operator panel. Verify recording action has ceased. Initiate IR playback procedure via GCS operator panel. Confirm IR video playback recording on GCS operator monitor.

5.4.1 - C2 and Data-Link Test Operator will "Power On" Block Camera from GCS Panel. Visually Verify LED Indicator Illumination. A Rotation Command must be sent to the Block Camera Gimbal from the GCS. Verify Sent Command is executed by the Block Camera Gimbal. A record command is sent to the Block Camera from GCS. Verify Sent Command is executed by the Block Camera. Initiate Camera "Power Off" Command to the Block Camera from the GCS. Verify the Sent Command is executed by the Block Camera.

5.4.2 [Shall use power provided by air vehicle element] Verify Battery Placement is in specified payload location on UAV. Verify Block Camera Input Jack is present. Verify that the Block Camera Input Jack is connected to Block Camera Gimbal Port. Input Jack into the Power Input Port Jack. Verify the Block Camera Gimbal LED Indicator is illuminated.

5.5.3 Data Link (communications) [Capable of com range exceeding 2 miles (VLOS)] Measure a 2 mile distance from the GCS. Place Test Rig at 2 mile distance point. Place UAV on Test Rig. Initiate A "Power ON" Command from GCS. Verify Command Execution. Make the necessary antenna adjustments. Verify Transmission Reception from GCS. Initiate Additional Commands from GCS. Verify that the additional Commands are executed.

5.6.4 [Shall provide redundant communication capability (backup) for C2] Place the UAV on the Test Rig. Power on the Signal Jammer. Initiate A "Power On" Command from GCS. Direct Signal Jammer toward the direction of the UAV. The Jammer Interference will result in a Signal Loss or disruption. GCS will verify the Signal Loss failure has occurred. GCS will initiate the Modus Operandi Signal Backup Transmission. GCS will verify the Backup Signal Transmission Establishment. GCS will initiate a "Power On" Command using the new Backup 
            Communication Transmission. Verify "Power On" command has been executed.

5.7.5 [Shall use power provided by air vehicle element] Verify Battery Placement is located in the specified payload location. Verify that the Battery Input Jack is present. Verify that the Data-Link Module is in the specified payload location. Verify and locate the Data-Link Module Input port jack on module housing. Insert the Battery Input Jack into the Module Input Port. Locate the LED Bulb on the Module Housing. Verify that the LED on the module housing is illuminated.

The type of development process is divided into 10 phases using the 10 Phase Waterfall development model. The Phase Schedule shown details UAV processed in Phases 3 and 5. Phase-3 being Preliminary Design and Phase-5 being Specimen Testing.
Testing Strategies used were performed as follows:
Payload - Test Method: Ground Testing - Bench Testing.
Command and Control - Ground Testing - GCS, Test Rig, Signal Jammer.
Cost - COTS availability and price verification.
Although COTS are available with certification data, testing was still and option chosen for this development.
Purpose: UAV perimeter monitoring to deter looting at devastation site. 
Years of Development: 3
 The disaster mission objective I chose was to develop a UAV which would aid in the surveillance and aid in the capture of looters. According to news sources looting is a big problem after a disaster strikes a community according to Bailey "The burglary rate increased after each storm, but increased much more dramatically following Hurricane Katrina.
After the 1947hurricane, the rate increased by 94.2%. After Hurricane Betsy, the rate increased only 15.4%.  After Hurricane Katrina, the burglary rate increased by 402.9%" (Bailey, 2009).
The need for a surveillance system to assist law enforcement personnel is needed in the event
looters try to steal personal property.
            Law enforcement personnel are very busy analyzing life and death situations after a natural disaster. Aiding law enforcement personnel would help alleviate some of the tasks associated with patrolling the site. UAV surveillance would also aid in allowing law-enforcement
personnel to obtain much needed rest, between surveillance shifts.
The overall costs of the UAV design would be minimal. According to Austin "Smaller, less complex, systems will require less time in each phase, with a proportionately lower investment cost" (Austin, 2010). Although, the system derived is not as complex compared to UAV's which can perform missions lasting days, the complexity lies in the camera and IR systems. The UAV would be used during the night-time to capture looters trying to cross law-enforcement established perimeter lines.
            The payload testing would be done on the ground. According to B.Terwilliger, S. Burgess, and D. Hernandez, "Operational capabilities of each system/subsystem are tested on the ground"(2013). Furthermore, according to Austin, testing the payload must remain as a separate entity within itself "It is desirable that the payload can be functioned as far as possible as a stand-alone subsystem" (Austin, 2010). 
Testing the payload as a separate system will aid in reducing false negatives and assist in determining the root cause of a failure within the payload offerings. Testing these payload systems on the ground would prevent damage and injury to humans, the UAV, and the payload itself, in the event of a mishap.
            Additionally protecting these UAV items from damage would also prevent further spending to re-purchase additional payload items. The use of a rig to hold the UAV and a test bench was used thru-out the test phase in order to support the hardware and the UAV in sturdy and stable positions.
Command and Control redundancy testing is performed via the use of a signal jammer. The signal jammer interrupted signal
transmission between the GCS and the UAV. According to Austin:
            "There is an advantage in having two parallel command links, provided
            that they operate a widely separated radio bands. Direct duplication of
            systems runs the risk of common failures. Another example of the provision
            of a backup system is the use of a different modus operandi"(Austin, 2010).
The C2 redundancy measure will aid in keeping the communication link between the GCS and the UAV connected, in the event of a signal interruption from an outside source or weak communication frequency.
The cost is under $20K, which is very competitively priced for a gimbal offering IR capabilities.
The Camera exceeds the 500 AGL requirement, and will perform very well for its future surveillance work. The Camera has the capabilities to record without any roughness or shaking due to wind, a convenience offering by the Gimbal. The PTZ options of the camera are also a necessity that will be used by law enforcement especially when focusing on certain subjects of interest.


Austin, R. (2010). Unmanned aircraft systems: UAV design, development and deployment
 John Wiley & Sons.

Bailey, K.L. (2009). An Evaluation of the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Crime in 
New Orleans, Louisiana. Applied Research Project, 
Texas State University-San Marcos,
 Retrieved from  /1195341/AnEvaluationof_the_Impact_of_Hurricane_Katrina_on_Crime_in_New_Orleans_

B.Terwilliger, S. Burgess, and D. Hernandez (2013). Civilian and Military Mission
Specific Systems. [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from ASCI_530_Module_7

CM100 (2012, August 6). UAV Vision Releases New Stabilised Gimbal. UAS Vision
 News Payloads, 


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