Redkite Wide Area Sensor

Logos Technologies has developed and tested what is known as its Redkite sensor. The sensor basically provides data of a wider field of view and transmits the information to the operator or pilot from its onboard payload location to a hand held device. Such a system doesn’t seem very interesting until you factor in the capability that it can transmit this information to multiple handhelds. The ability to perform this operation would enable a greater field of view and operations awareness to fighter on the ground. The testing of Redkite was proven and resulted in great success according to the President of Logos Technologies John Marion “Now, we confirmed that Redkite captures, renders and stabilizes imagery in real time with its compact, on-board processor, streaming it to the users” (AUVSI, 2017).

The Redkite system boasts the following benefits: 8 hours of data storage, tagging capabilities, reduced weight, and dual configuration platforms. The 8 hour data storage capability will allow for ISR missions to be conducted without the need for downloading in order to achieve or meet a continual data storage space limitation. The tagging capability will allow for areas of focused concentration to be observed during missions and when conducting post mission analysis.

The dual configuration benefit allows for the Redkite system to be used in both manned and unmanned aircraft in order to expand or introduce ISR capabilities to either platforms. The Redkite system is able to view approximately 4.5 square miles, and record the data of any movement of forces, vehicles or troops within its viewing range. According to Suzanne McNamara VP of Insitu Business Development “Integrator with Redkite delivers WAMI surveillance on a scale previously available only on Group 4 or 5 platform” (AUVSI, 2017). The capability could also prove to be a cost reduction as this capability is now offered to a smaller class of UAV.


AUVSI. (2017). Redkite Wide-Area Sensor Completes Successful Advanced Flight TestingAboard Integrator UAS. AUVSI News, Retrieved from


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