Case Analysis Tool (CAT) Effectivness

9.4 – Blog Case Analysis Effectiveness

For your case analysis project you worked collaboratively to research, develop, and present a topic associated with major theme of problems or issues associated with UAS design, operations, or regulations. Discuss the effectiveness of the Case Analysis tool in this course. Focus specifically on the utility of Case Analysis as a tool for decision making and how it has (or does not have) utility in your current line of work, future anticipated career, or past experiences (identify at least two examples). Provide any recommendations for how the process or project (e.g., requirements, format, group interaction, topical focus, etc.) could be improved to better support building and expanding student experience for the eventual or further development of their careers.

The Case Analysis Tool (CAT) used in this course is a very effective tool. The CAT allows the student to research the subject matter of their choice and gather as much information as possible that pertains to the overall effectiveness of the outcome.
The CAT assists the student in focusing on the main topic or points of the project while analyzing how it will impact a society or industry. The CAT tool takes a student’s view and idea on a subject and further expands the scope across a wider view in order to further test the relevance or irrelevance of an idea on problem.
The layout of the CAT tool also aids the student by offering the possibility of expanding the development of their research design. Expanding the research design by offering (2) two alternative (actions or ideas) along with (2) two advantages and (2) two disadvantages (for each alternative), provides for a wider degree of research and problem exploration. Furthermore, the alternatives (with accompanying advantages and disadvantages) allow the student to view their overall research perspective from an alternative view which will most often be encountered in the workplace.
Finally, the recommendations offered after the analysis has taken place, provides the student a much deeper appreciation for the research and analysis process, which is the main key or benefit from utilizing the CAT tool in a student’s research project. I learned a great deal from using the CAT tool. The CAT tool can be used in many business settings which offer an employee the opportunity to present a case before a team and provide their point of view on various subject matter ranging from which investments to make, capital investments, program decisions, design choices, engineering changes etc.…
The CAT tool allow the student to provide the disadvantages of a choice which further conveys to the team the objectivity that is taken in the decision and the open mind that is kept for further ideas that may be presented. The CAT tool presents the student the tool necessary to view a problem with different approaches instead of just one that may be offered or that may be considered the norm in an industry or business.
The CAT tool further challenges the student to analyze the problem using alternative views or methods that are not the norm or have not previously been performed. The CAT tool, further allows what the student perceives as being the answer to the problem, to be further strained of any possible discontinuities which may not be so easily observable when viewing the problem from a bias point of view.
Further recommendations would be to continue using and introducing the tool to students. The CAT tool is a much needed tool for any student or professional who wish to further challenge and hone their research skills, and provide further in depth presentation analysis to a business team.


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