
Showing posts from 2017

Ethics and Morals Of Unmanned Systems Usage in Warfare

The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in remote warfare is a technological benefit which should continue to be used today and well into the future. The operation of UAS to perform the same missions which manned aircraft would perform provides a monetary savings benefit and also removes the pilot from the cockpit resulting in no danger or the possibility of loss of life which may sometimes result from operating a manned aircraft. However, there are both ethical and moral issues involved in the use of UAS to perform military missions in which human targets of interest are eliminated by an aircraft which is operated by a remote pilot thousands of miles away. Issues surrounding the acts of war conducted in areas populated by civilians has increased the danger of military missions due to the difficulty of distinguishing between civilians and enemy combatants “This trend has blurred the line between combatants and civilians and made it difficult to distinguish between legitimate and

Operational Risk Management Assessment

The Blog entry for this week focuses on Risk Management and the tools used to study hazards, hazards analysis, and tracking mitigating actions to address or eliminate those hazards. Tools used in this Operational Risk Management are: PHL (Preliminary Hazard List), PHA (Preliminary Hazard Assessment), and the OHR&A (Operational Hazard Review and Analysis. Preliminary Hazard List (PHL)  The sUAS (small Unmanned Aircraft System) I decided to perform my Operational Risk Management Analysis on is the DJI Pro Phantom 4 during staging. The scenario activities that it will be used to perform is capturing video or photos of real estate home for sale. The PHL (preliminary hazard list) is a risk management tool which provides and in-depth view of the risk being evaluated at various steps in the operation of a sUAS. “The PHL is a brainstorming tool to identify initial safety issues early in the UAS operation” (Marshall, et al., 2011, p. 125). The PHL I developed for my scenario focuses o

Automatic Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

Research: Automatic Takeoff and Landing The two aircraft in this research have the capability of performing automatic and takeoff and landing maneuvers. The two types of aircraft being discussed are a manned Hawker-Siddely Trident and the Predator B unmanned aircraft system with complementary automatic systems. The Hawker-Siddey Trident is able to perform the automatic maneuvers thru the installation of a system which enabled the aircraft to land automatically. The system is described by Century of Flight (n.d.) “An interesting feature of the Trident was its use in the development of a completely automatic blind landing system. This allowed the plane to land itself in conditions that would cause other planes to divert to other airports” (Century of Flight, n.d., para. 11). Conditions which would be detrimental for aircraft landing are high crosswinds, or low visibility weather. The automatic system used in the Trident was a beneficial technology used by the pilots for landing in

Researching Shift Work Schedules Relationship to Human Factors

MQ-1B Shift Rotation Analysis The current shift schedule of the MQ-1B Squadron of The United States Air Force, is one that is not beneficial for the crews. As stated the crewmember have reported extreme fatigue during missions operations and have also complained of inadequate sleep as a result of the current schedule. These two indications alone are factors of concern and must be addressed. According to a remotely piloted aircraft study (2006) found unmanned remote pilots experienced “reported decreased mood and quality of life as well as increased fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and burnout relative to traditional aircrew from other high demand-low density" (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Study 2006, p. 33). The issues at hand have not yet elevated to the degree of encompassing all of the aforementioned factors, however, the preliminary effects introduced by the current work schedule could certainly progress whereby increasing the fatigue and stress each remote pilot is currently

The Lockheed Martin Indago 2 : Beyond Radio Line Of Sight Unmanned Aircraft System

The Lockheed Martin Indago 2 unmanned aircraft system is able to perform operations categorized as Beyond Radio Line of Sight Operations (BRLOS). The Indago is able to perform Beyond Radio Line Of Sight Operations using a handheld interface, and is operable by a single operator/controller.  Additionally the interface utilizes touchscreen technology and is also water resistant, which further translates into an unmanned aircraft system which can perform during all types of weather conditions. The Indago is also easily carried in the trunk of a car or can be stored in its backpack carrying case for ease of transportation and deployment. Additionally the Indago interface provides the operator/controller the benefit of maneuvering the camera payload movement which provides an image which can be visually observed on the handheld interface screen. The Indago has a 40 to 50 minute operation time and is able to perform Beyond Radio Line Of Sight Operations thru the use of a long range antenn
The FAA NextGen Project and Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems  Into The National Airspace System The Federal Aviation Administration’s NextGen Program was designed to meet the ever increasing demands placed on the air transportation industry. The goals of the NextGen project seeks to combine the latest technology in order to assist aircraft utilizing our nations National Air Space in saving fuel costs, time, money, and introduce greater safety as stated by the Federal Aviation Administration “integrating a number of innovative technologies will enhance safety, shave minutes off all flight times, and clear the environment from unnecessary emissions” (FAA, 2013, 00:39). NextGen seeks to improve future aviation operation in the National Airspace System by reducing airline traffic disorganization in relation to time and takeoff flight delays on the tarmac and the runways. The savings in fuel will be realized by decreasing the idle time in which aircraft would be wai

MQ-9 Reaper GCS Analysis

Functional Operation Analysis The Ground Control Station Functional Operation subject I have chosen to perform my analysis is on the MQ-9 Reaper. The Reaper is an extended mission UAS which performs mission such as Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR), support, and weapons strike thru the use of its mounted missiles or bombs payload. The Reaper’s precision weapons inventory are described as “Air-to-Ground Missile (AGM)-114 Hellfire missiles which provide highly accurate, low collateral damage” (Air Force, 2015). An analysis made of the ground control station functional operation of the MQ-9 Reaper displays 14 monitors surrounding the pilot in control (PIC) or operator and the co-pilot or sensors operator. The monitor displays are arranged directly in front view of the operators and to the left of the pilot and to the right of the sensors operator. Measurements of the displays range in sizes from 10-inch to 17-inch screen sizes. The pilot and sensor controller
Blog: The Future of the UAS The future of weather forecasting by UAV is being made possible thru the introduction of new software which will enable UAV to accumulate data at lower altitudes. The name of this new software is Sferic Drone Flight and it was developed to provide “hyperlocal, low-altitude weather forecasting for drone operators” (Dent, 2017). Earth networks developed the software which will provide weather forecasts within altitudes between 10 to 400 feet. The 400 foot tier as mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration will provide UAV operators, information such as wind speeds and direction. The information provided will enable operators to examine details during their pre-flight mission planning. The Sferic Drone Flight software is supported by the Global Weather Corporation which has weather sensors located in various countries. The future development of the software will entail an application which can be downloaded to an operator’s phone. The application will


The Blog Post for this assignment centers on the use of UAV’s and its growth in the field of precision agriculture. The use of UAV’s is currently being used to replace previous methods of monitoring crop health thru land surveying, and data recording. The previous methods of land surveying were first performed by physically walking and observation. The advancement of surveying continued by introducing horseback, then machinery such as automobiles, and finally manned aircraft. Recently, the use of unmanned air vehicles have become a tool of interest. The UAV introduced the benefits of performing the task at a lower cost than previous methods and was also performed the task with accuracy and efficiency. The use of land surveying/crop measurement software is installed within the UAV payload to produce crop data images based on a wide array of measurement parameters established by the operator using the software, and a computer. The software can be used to measure varying forms of data
Collision Avoidance Via Sense and Avoidance The legislative requirements established by The Federal Aviation Administrations’ policy on UAS collision avoidance cover both operator/pilot and technological requirements. The operator/pilot must operate the UAS safely as stated in the Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Roadmap into the National Airspace System and formally in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations section C.2. Furthermore the Federal Aviation Administration states the actions for operator/pilot must display safe operation practice and knowledge in order to prevent a collision, and meet minimum qualifications as stated by the FAA or the Department of Defense. The summary is stated by the FAA as follows: At the core of these policies is the concept that each aircraft is flown by a pilot in accordance with required procedures and practices. This same policy applies to UAS. Regulatory standards need to be developed to enable current technology for unmann
  UAS Strengths and Weaknesses The UAS mission I am comparing between military and civilian platforms are that of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). The military platform could employ the use of a RQ-20B Puma by AeroVironment. The Puma according to AeroVironment is comprised of the following features: “360 degree gimbal, EO, IR, camera, IR Illuminator, 20km range, 3.5+ endurance hours, 500ft AGL, hand and rail launching, autonomous or deep stall landing” (AeroVironment, 2017). The police platform would be comprised of the Vanguard ShadowHawk. The ShadowHawk contains the following options within its platform: “full autonomous operation, electro-optical camera, Infra-red capability, nighttime sensors, 15km range, 3hour endurance (depending on payload), and a transportable GCS with complimentary travel case” (Vanguard, 2017). The strengths and weaknesses between both platforms are derived from the endurance offered and by power regeneration. The Puma provides l

Sense and Avoid Sensor Selection Spotlight: DJI Guidance System

Sense and Avoid Sensor  The scope of this research project will provide detail for a currently available sense and avoid sensor for small Group 1 or Group 2 (less than 55 pounds) UAV vehicles. The sensor package offering submitted in this research is provided by the company DJI makers of the well-known Phantom series of small UAV’s. The system has been given the name “Guidance System” by DJI. The company has been known for offering a well manufactured sUAV’s for sale in the marketplace, and in the opinions of many sUAV operators, set the standard by which sUAV’s are measured against. The Guidance System has been offered since June of 2015, but the system still performs and offers premium capabilities for the sUAV operator looking to add an additional upgrade to their current system. According to DJI the Guidance System is the company’s first introductory sense and avoid system to become available to the public. Amato states: Using an array of ultrasonic sensors and stereo camera
MQ-9 Reaper Control Station Analysis The MQ-9 Reaper Ground Control Station is located within what can be described as a boxcar or trailer box shaped shelter or portable building. Inside the GCS the temperature must remain within a pre-determined degree level in order to keep electronics within the GCS from overheating. There are aircraft seats mounted in front of computer monitors in which a pilot, and crew will be seated in order to visually monitor the flight performance of the MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Air Vehicle. The pilot and crew control stations are comprised of several monitors which track various systems of the UAV such flight path, sensors, aircraft systems conditions, and area of interest. Also of interest are the headphones for communication and an eraser board located next to crew for taking notes and performing calculations during missions. Further information displayed on the monitors are buildings, people, vehicles and many other objects which can be viewed for fur

Bluefin System Data Protocol and Format

Bluefin AUV Data and Operations System The General Dynamics Bluefin Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) is a very effective tool for data gathering and deep sea exploration. The Bluefin is a torpedo shaped vehicle and has been used by the U.S. Navy, emergency responders and oceanography institutions to explore and search the oceans for dangerous mines, scientific data gathering and search missions. The research conducted will provide further in-depth study of the Bluefin AUV centering on its data, sensors, and information storage, and power. Power.  The Bluefin operates on Li-poly battery power cells as described by General Dynamics “An embedded electronics system controls and monitors the cell voltages, temperature, and current to prevent the user from unintentionally damaging the cells. The quanta and electronics are enclosed in a corrosion resistant housing and designed to be completely pressure-tolerant” (Bluefin Robotics, 2017). The batteries can be installed within minute

UAS Sensor Placement on a Non-Racing and a Racing UAV Platform

The sensor placement on a small UAV is dependent on the objective for which the vehicle was designed and manufactured to achieve. There are many areas in and around a UAV for which sensor may be placed but the engineering and design phase incorporates which sensors will be used, what function it must perform, and what location the sensor will be placed around the vehicle in order to receive the most effective use during its operation. The type of UAV is important due to the type of activity or end result the user/operator want to obtain from the UAV. The research for this assignment entails the sensor placement of two platforms, one being a non-racing UAV and the other a racing UAV. Details and differences in the sensor placement, and function will be briefly discussed in the research. The non-racing platform I chose was the DJI Phantom 4 Pro. I chose the DJI Phantom 4 due to the long reputation that DJI has in producing a quality small UAV product with the latest designs installed
Unmanned Systems Maritime Search and Rescue The Underwater Unmanned System I chose to research is the Bluefin UUV manufactured by General Dynamics Missions Systems.  The Bluefin was used to search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 which met its final demise in the Indian Ocean. According to David Kelly (chief executive officer of Bluefin Robotics) the search and rescue mission will entail the Bluefin searching the Indian Ocean in a row pattern covering just over 39 miles a day. Kelly further states "Down there, it'll run what's called a lawnmower pattern. It's just like mowing the lawn at your house” (CBS, 2014). According to William O’Halloran from Bluefin Marine Operations the UUV entails the use of sonar technology which it uses to scan the ocean floor. The sonar sends a signal and a measurement of the rate at which the sonar signal is reflected from an object will aid in determining whether aircraft debris or wreckage exists from Flight 370. Further explanati
Redkite Wide Area Sensor Logos Technologies has developed and tested what is known as its Redkite sensor. The sensor basically provides data of a wider field of view and transmits the information to the operator or pilot from its onboard payload location to a hand held device. Such a system doesn’t seem very interesting until you factor in the capability that it can transmit this information to multiple handhelds. The ability to perform this operation would enable a greater field of view and operations awareness to fighter on the ground. The testing of Redkite was proven and resulted in great success according to the President of Logos Technologies John Marion “Now, we confirmed that Redkite captures, renders and stabilizes imagery in real time with its compact, on-board processor, streaming it to the users” (AUVSI, 2017). The Redkite system boasts the following benefits: 8 hours of data storage, tagging capabilities, reduced weight, and dual configuration platforms. The 8 hour da