
Showing posts from December, 2017

Ethics and Morals Of Unmanned Systems Usage in Warfare

The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in remote warfare is a technological benefit which should continue to be used today and well into the future. The operation of UAS to perform the same missions which manned aircraft would perform provides a monetary savings benefit and also removes the pilot from the cockpit resulting in no danger or the possibility of loss of life which may sometimes result from operating a manned aircraft. However, there are both ethical and moral issues involved in the use of UAS to perform military missions in which human targets of interest are eliminated by an aircraft which is operated by a remote pilot thousands of miles away. Issues surrounding the acts of war conducted in areas populated by civilians has increased the danger of military missions due to the difficulty of distinguishing between civilians and enemy combatants “This trend has blurred the line between combatants and civilians and made it difficult to distinguish between legitimate and

Operational Risk Management Assessment

The Blog entry for this week focuses on Risk Management and the tools used to study hazards, hazards analysis, and tracking mitigating actions to address or eliminate those hazards. Tools used in this Operational Risk Management are: PHL (Preliminary Hazard List), PHA (Preliminary Hazard Assessment), and the OHR&A (Operational Hazard Review and Analysis. Preliminary Hazard List (PHL)  The sUAS (small Unmanned Aircraft System) I decided to perform my Operational Risk Management Analysis on is the DJI Pro Phantom 4 during staging. The scenario activities that it will be used to perform is capturing video or photos of real estate home for sale. The PHL (preliminary hazard list) is a risk management tool which provides and in-depth view of the risk being evaluated at various steps in the operation of a sUAS. “The PHL is a brainstorming tool to identify initial safety issues early in the UAS operation” (Marshall, et al., 2011, p. 125). The PHL I developed for my scenario focuses o