
Showing posts from September, 2017


The Blog Post for this assignment centers on the use of UAV’s and its growth in the field of precision agriculture. The use of UAV’s is currently being used to replace previous methods of monitoring crop health thru land surveying, and data recording. The previous methods of land surveying were first performed by physically walking and observation. The advancement of surveying continued by introducing horseback, then machinery such as automobiles, and finally manned aircraft. Recently, the use of unmanned air vehicles have become a tool of interest. The UAV introduced the benefits of performing the task at a lower cost than previous methods and was also performed the task with accuracy and efficiency. The use of land surveying/crop measurement software is installed within the UAV payload to produce crop data images based on a wide array of measurement parameters established by the operator using the software, and a computer. The software can be used to measure varying forms of data